1. As a child I was obsessed with the film The Sound of Music.
2. I am an avid horse fan. I got my first pony when I was three and I have been a keen horse rider since.
3. I hate spiders....or anything with more than 4 legs.....very scary!!
4. I don't like hot, spicy food.
5. I am a qualified accountant and I worked for the NHS before giving it all up for a new life in Spain at the end of last year.
6. I own a website called The Animal Files which is/intended to be a wildlife encyclopedia. Please check it out if you have time!
7. In another life I would love to be a downhill ski racer.
I have to pass this on to seven people, so my chosen seven are the incredibly talented: Lauren, Sally, Deb, Kim, Dawn, Mrs Wonka and Nikki. Sorry girls if you have recently been tagged.
Hi Liza, I loved reading your tag comments and finding out a bit more about you. I'll be off to have a look at your animal website, sounds like fun. Chris x